My Approach
Building a strong relational foundation with each of my clients is key to what I do as a wellness physician coach. I’m here to join you on your journey towards effective stress and depression management, whether we’re walking, running, swimming or crawling, I’ll be with you every step of the way.
My approach is client-led and collaborative. This means that we work together to find what works best for you.
I also take a holistic approach while merging together eastern and western techniques and treatments. You get the benefit of having more alternative treatments and also the confidence of having a licensed physician by your side.
I am your guide and your advocate. I’m in your corner. I’m cheering you on so you can see and experience your life as beautiful, meaningful, profound, authentic, a one-of-a-kind work of art that it truly is.
Join me by booking that free session and start your own TRANSFORMATION.

My Services

Individual Coaching Packages
A one-on-one session with Dr. Marga allows for deeper and more customized coaching. Progress at your own pace and your own way. It’s focused coaching that’s made exactly for what you need.
Group Coaching Sessions
This is a safe space where we build a caring community of people who support and learn from each other.
Here, everyone has a voice to share as much or as little as they wish.
Experience alternative forms of non-medicinal healing such as chromotherapy, light therapy, salt baths and healing crystals.
Re-balance, restore, reconnect with your inner self and feel renewed.
The Triple-R Method for Resilience
This the mental process of revisiting memories of the past, whether pleasant or unpleasant, similar to how a movie replay would play out. The product is a series of mental pictures and sensorial experiences in a relaxed state associated with the memory. It feels like holding up a magnifying glass to a specific moment in time.
To reframe is to superimpose a positive lens on a life memory. It reworks the mindset and perspective to which it was approached, using language mantras and contemplation based on the purpose that serves the person best at that moment.
Rewire is the phase where Dr. Marga addresses the client’s subconscious using intentional tone and vocalization. Rewiring uses language and instruction to maintain a relaxation response, intensifying the self-resolution of conflict and "up-charges" pleasant outcomes at the subconscious level.